Deeply Engrained Paper Use Is Impeding Construction’s Digital Shift
It’s not news that the construction industry has been undergoing a digital transformation journey. Digitizing the industry comes with the novel mission of creating safer workplaces, increased margins, and better quality.
When Is Collaborative Delivery Faster than DBB—and When Is It Slower?
Considering the topic, this has the potential to be a very short blog post. After all, we’re looking at comparing the schedule of collaborative delivery versus design-bid-build delivery.
Risk = Dollars: Minimizing Owner Cost through the Sharing of Risk
We have certainly lived through some extraordinary times since March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.
Utilizing Prefabrication to Reduce risk in Collaborative Delivery water Projects
Using collaborative delivery for water projects addresses the growing demand in the United States for sustainable and efficient water infrastructure.
Maximizing the Value of Collaboration During Design
An essential benefit of collaborative delivery is the ability for the designer and contractor to interact during the design phase.
How to Solve Project Budget Challenges
Has anyone been left scratching your head wondering, “Why is my project over budget? What could I have done better to align project budget and cost?”
Strategic Partnering: Benefits of Onboarding Key Suppliers Early
In an effort to pinpoint what makes a successful collaborative delivery (CD) project, numerous blog posts and research papers have identified common elements that should be pursued. Elements such as trust, transparency, teamwork, and strategic…
Progressive Design-Build Starts With Trust
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to work with someone you did not trust? It’s not a pleasant experience, is it? Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and it’s no different when it comes to PDB projects.
Five Minutes with Roy Epps on his 41 years in the Water Industry and how Collaborative Delivery has Made it Better for Everyone
Roy, you are retiring at the end of this year after 41 years in the industry. What is the biggest change you have seen over that period?
Traditional Hard Bid Vs. Progressive Design-Build Delivery
A Tale of Two Projects: Two nearly identical projects with two different delivery methods demonstrate the benefits of using a collaborative delivery method The Crossland Heavy Contractors team had the rare opportunity to compare the effects of two different delivery...