Equipment/Technology Supply

Strategies for Material Delivery and Price Escalation Risks on Collaborative Delivery Projects

Strategies for Material Delivery and Price Escalation Risks on Collaborative Delivery Projects

The pandemic has impacted not only our day-to-day lives but it is forcing us to reexamine long-accepted approaches to how collaborative delivery firms specify and procure materials and equipment for our projects. A global scarcity of shipping containers, skyrocketing shipping rates, clogged ports, and shortages of manufacturing components are driving firms to evolve their procurement approach to avoid long lead times and escalation charges.

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Innovative Technologies Play Key Role in Gaining Winning Advantage in Competitive Collaborative Delivery Projects

Innovative Technologies Play Key Role in Gaining Winning Advantage in Competitive Collaborative Delivery Projects

The word innovative is talked about a lot in the water and wastewater industry, but as an industry we have been slow to accept technology innovation. I have been in the industry for 30+ years and participated in several industry efforts with WEF, AWWA, NSF, and EPA—like the EPA’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program, WEF’s LIFT program, etc.—to increase the use of innovative and new technologies. These programs typically test the equipment through a range of conditions and a report is written on the testing.

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Supply Chain Engagement

Supply Chain Engagement

Water/wastewater projects are becoming larger and more complex. Our industry is continuously innovating to maximize the productivity of existing and new plants. Recent events related to the COVID-19 outbreak may have permanent changes in the way plants are designed and built. The design and procurement process for collaborative delivery projects requires early involvement of supply chain partners to reduce risks for a successful proposal and construction.

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