Today’s global infrastructure investment, estimated to be $2.5 trillion per year, falls short of the $3.3 trillion annual investment needed to keep pace with expected growth, not to mention renewal of existing aging infrastructure.
Plan for Success: Navigating the Roles of Program Managers and Owner Advisors
Municipal water and wastewater utility managers face increasing challenges with delivering major treatment and infrastructure projects that meet regional growth, regulatory requirements, strained budgets, and stringent delivery schedules.
It’s Your First Collaborative Delivery Project—Don’t Panic!
You’ve heard the buzz; it seems like every water/wastewater utility or owner is using progressive design-build (PDB) or construction management at-risk (CMAR) for its upcoming infrastructure projects.
Is Your Organization Ready for Successful Collaborative Delivery?
During the annual DBIA Water/Wastewater Conference in Cincinnati earlier this spring, both owners and panelists expressed a recurring theme: More and more owners are recognizing the need to effectively train internal staff who will be directly involved in collaborative delivery.
Building Success: The Crucial Role of Unified Teams in Progressive Design-Build Projects
The first step in a successful progressive design-build (PDB) project is to focus on building a unified team. In traditional design-bid-build projects, the owner, engineer, and contractor often work individually, each driven by their own goals and expectations.
When Is Collaborative Delivery Faster than DBB—and When Is It Slower?
Considering the topic, this has the potential to be a very short blog post. After all, we’re looking at comparing the schedule of collaborative delivery versus design-bid-build delivery.
Maximizing the Value of Collaboration During Design
An essential benefit of collaborative delivery is the ability for the designer and contractor to interact during the design phase.
Strategic Partnering: Benefits of Onboarding Key Suppliers Early
In an effort to pinpoint what makes a successful collaborative delivery (CD) project, numerous blog posts and research papers have identified common elements that should be pursued. Elements such as trust, transparency, teamwork, and strategic…
Five Minutes with Roy Epps on his 41 years in the Water Industry and how Collaborative Delivery has Made it Better for Everyone
Roy, you are retiring at the end of this year after 41 years in the industry. What is the biggest change you have seen over that period?
How Can You Attract Qualified Design-Builders for Your Projects?
The booming water/wastewater market is keeping design-builders busy, so much so that the economic equilibrium is off-center, slanted toward a place where demand often exceeds supply. It’s a design-builders’ (bidders) market.