Formerly the Water Design-Build Council, WCDA is on a mission to transform the water industry through successful collaborative delivery methods. Who We AreCOLLABORATIVE DELIVERY IS THE FASTEST-GROWING FORM OF PROJECT DELIVerY IN THE WATER INDUSTRY.
$30 Billion
Spent in past decade
$5.3 Billion
Spent annually
Annual Growth Rate
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From the Blog
It’s Your First Collaborative Delivery Project—Don’t Panic!
You’ve heard the buzz; it seems like every water/wastewater utility or owner is using progressive design-build (PDB) or construction management at-risk (CMAR) for its upcoming infrastructure projects.
Is Your Organization Ready for Successful Collaborative Delivery?
During the annual DBIA Water/Wastewater Conference in Cincinnati earlier this spring, both owners and panelists expressed a recurring theme: More and more owners are recognizing the need to effectively train internal staff who will be directly involved in collaborative delivery.
How Collaborative Delivery Optimizes the Project Warranty Process
We’ve often been told that we need to “begin with the end in mind” to have a successful project. But what about after the end of the project?
Project Spotlight
University of New Hampshire Water Treatment Plant (NH)
The University of New Hampshire owns and is responsible for operations of a water treatment plant that serves the entire campus as well as the Town of Durham, NH. The original WTP was constructed in the early 1930s, and even though it continued to meet drinking water requirements, UNH decided to build a new facility due to the age of the equipment and structures. In addition to providing clean water for approximately 29,500 people, the design of the new WTP needed to address several unique needs for UNH.