
The WCDA provides this space for owners to publicize announcements of RFPs/RFQs. If you would like to post a notice here, please contact Teresa Porath at


Notice to Bidders 808-2024
NEWPCC Upgrade: Nutrient Removal Facilities Project
(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

Owner: City of Winnipeg

The Nutrient Removal Facilities (NRF) Project is the third and final project as part of the upgrades to the City of Winnipeg’s North End Water Pollution Control Centre (NEWPCC). The NRF Project will include new liquid stream treatment facilities to meet regulatory requirements and replace end-of-life equipment and will enable the biological removal and recovery of nutrients from the wastewater for beneficial reuse.

The total NRF Project cost is estimated to be $1.491 billion and will be delivered using a progressive design-build model, with procurement anticipated to commence in Q3 2025.

To learn more about this upcoming procurement and other project information, refer to Notice to Bidders 808-2024 on